Although a bit busy, the idea of this advance organizer is to remind the instructor of what is truly important in the design and delivery of good distance learning courses! Please note that at the very top level one of the first and most important parts of a good DE system is the technical support thereof. Without tech support, nothing that uses technology more complex than pens and paper will succeed.
It also helps to have good design and to have done a good needs analysis of the target audience(s) for the courses to be taught. That is just plain common sense. However, I have been caught on tape observing that "If common sense were really common, everyone wouldl have it."
Instructor support and comfort with both the technology and the materials and subject matter are also vital--remember the tech support? New instructors need not only a speed dial connection to tech support, but they should also have a mentor who is experienced in teaching on-line. The instructor serves as an integral character in the course, but in the role of facilitator and curator rather than pedagogue. The ultimate goal is to assist the students in becoming a learning community, where they gather and develop knowledge about the subject from readings and discussions with others.
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